Rabu, 21 November 2012


·         What is Risk Management?
People are exposed to risk in every aspect of their lives. Risk Management in practical terms can be defined as the process by which we identify risks and control theme so that we are able to achieve individual goals. And we can only attempt to keep risk within acceptable ranges of impact on our lives.

·         The Risk Management Process
The six steps of this process are:
1.       Develop Objectives, objectives determine the scope of the risk management process
2.      Establish Exposures, each area of household assets has its own risk, so..we can separate them into into financial and nonfinancial assets
3.      Identifiy Available Risk Management Tools, are avoid risk, reduce risk, reduce potential loss, retain risks, diversify, transfer risk, sharing risk, and other methods of handling risk
4.      Match Appropiate Risk Management Tools to Exposure
5.      Implementation, talking the action step
6.      Review, risk management exposures can change

·         Insurance! What it is?
Insurance is a method of transferring risk. Risk is shifted from the person exposed to it to the insurance company that assumes the risk for a fee. The process by which an insurance company agrees to assume the risk in return for a projected profit is called insurance underwriting.
Insurance companies have overhead costs to maintain and grow their businesses, pay out claims, and earn a profit. These costs are built into the price of insurance policies. As a practical matter, insurance companies have incomplete information, in other words, they may have less knowledge about future claims than applicant for an insurance policy. Search costs, these are costs that the person desiring to be insured undertakes to find out which policy is best. And insurance companies should pay attention to behavioral factors some academic evidence suggests that humans may not always act efficiently in risk management activities.
·         Types of Insurance Policies
The three major types of policies are: private personal, private property, and government insurance.
·         Analyzing an Insurance Company
An important factor in selecting among insurance policies is the quality of the company that offers the policy. The criteria to consider are: financial strength, good operating sense, service, price, other consideratrions.
·         Life Insurance
Life insurance is traditionally used to provide money that compensates for the death of a household wage earner.
Every life insurance police is made up of several parts, which determine the price you pay for the policy. They include mortality charge, investement return, and overhead expense.
Life insurance is taken out to cover a need, the death of an income earner. We can view the amount of insurance needed using three different approaches: income replacement, life insured needs, and partial replacement.
And last, There are 5 major types of life insurance : term, whole life, universal life, variable life, and variable universal life. (TEXTBOOK FINANCIAL PLANNING-L.J ALTFEST chapt.10)

Well, thank you've been reading my blog and learn together, sorry if there is a shortage. A wonderfull sharing J

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